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Monthly Verse


what is the de
claration of in
what is the
deep web den
sity of wat
er dependent
variable the def
inition of love
is it the way wi
nd turbines
work or how
worms repro
duce or the way
we see color
can honey go
bad can flam
ingos even fly

by Stacy Skolnik


Stacy Skolnik

Stacy Skolnik is on the editorial staff for Montez Press and received her MFA from Brooklyn College, where she currently teaches. Some of her work and criticism has appeared in SALT. Feminism and Contemporary Art, The Adirondack Review, KGB Bar Lit Magazine, Josephine Quarterly, and elsewhere.

Work for Monthly Verse is selected through our editorial process. New poems are selected from authors that submitted work for the last issue. Read more authors by subscribing to Fjords.