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Ode To A Personal Boundary

June 16, 2022

Ode To A Personal Boundary

by Heikki Huotari


You can't stand behind the president in camo and be
in the space force too. A convex combination of no
atrophy, no rigor mortis and no octopod, you'll
situate your shoes on one floor at a time. One fish
reminds an ocean of another.

Vigilantes not yet good Samaritans, no falsely
prosecuted perpetrators languish on death row.
You'll ask or not for whom the decibels or Richter
scales, a minor fifth would be as diabolical. Your
boundary is exact.

Your one condition necessary and sufficient, you'll
be tested next. As in the land of five-eyed flies the
six-eyed fly is king, what would you not wear in
your hair in lieu of pleasure,

bending threats into a greeting? You'll have angels
at all angles now and craving later. You'll know
where your entropy has been. You'll start your
engines' engines gentlemen and idle, idle, idle – if
you don't console yourselves who will?