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There Was No Honeymoon by Sandie Seeger

October 06, 2022

There Was No Honeymoon

by Heidi Seaborn


You ever think of getting married again? & there it is just like the dog’s vomit that everyone steps around. O, I loved Art alright. Willing him free from McCarthy’s clutches, I said I do, said yes to be a stamp on his passport. So, if your third marriage is anything like mine you will call him Daddy

& discover
he has written
your dialogue
in the margin.
been scripted.
But don’t I love
being told
what to do?
There is a fork
for every course
& I knew at night
to let him spoon
‘the sweet
of my rump’.
I knew to
disappear into
his white curtain
appear for
cocktails with his
curious friends.
Isn’t she a wonder ?
I knew to quit
work, to make
babies & when
he drew a blank
page from his
typewriter, I
knew to bury
my unborn
& go back
to work.