Fjords Reviews

The New

August 14, 2014

Interview with Maureen Sherbondy

by Caitlin McGuire



Interview with Maureen SherbondyMaureen Sherbondy’s poem, “Humor Finds Their Marriage,” appears in Fjords Review, Volume 1, Issue 2.


About Maureen Sherbondy

Fjords Review, Maureen Sherbondy Maureen Sherbondy’s books are After the Fairy Tale, Praying at Coffee Shops, The Slow Vanishing, Weary Blues, Scar Girl, The Year of Dead Fathers, and Eulogy for an Imperfect Man. She received her MFA degree from Queens University of Charlotte. Maureen lives in Raleigh, NC with her three sons.


CM: What inspired "Humor Finds Their Marriage"?

MS: The poem was inspired by hearing incorrectly. Conversations became funny when my ex-husband misheard what I was saying.

CM: What's the most blatant lie you've ever told?

MS: I do not lie in real life. I only lie through my writing.

CM: If you could have a conversation with any literary figure, alive or dead, that could only last the length of a cup of coffee, who would you choose?

MS: F. Scott Fitzgerald (for fiction) and Emily Dickinson (for poetry).

CM: What has lasted you ten years?

MS: My Italian Greyhound—Polo—he's 10. My fear of flying started 10 years ago.

CM:What's the best kind of pen?

MS: Bic blue pen.

CM: Do you have any writer's block advice?

MS: Read fiction and poetry that inspires creativity. Write down your dreams (but don't say they are dreams). Take the last line of a poem you wrote and use it as the first line of a new poem.

CM: What are you currently working on?

MS: I am writing poems about departure.