The black and white film issue features work from two stunning self-taught photographers on location in France, Italy, Alaska, and Washington D.C., Swiss to English translations, Short Stories about modern Japan and traditional India alongside new great new poems and film and book reviews. Plus a new author interview.
Featured Poetry
Trois Petite Croquis (Three Small Sketches)
Bather Drying Her Foot by Degas
Boating by Manet
Garden at Sainte Adresse by Monet
by Richard Luftig
About Richard Luftig
Richard Luftig is a professor of Educational Psychology and Special Education at Miami University in OH. He is a recipient of the Cincinnati Post-Corbett Foundation award for literature.His poems have appeared in numerous publications in the United States, Canada, Europe, Asia, and Australia. His third chapbook was published by Dos Madres Press in 2007. He resides in Pomona, CA.
Poetry in Translation
21st Century Swiss Poet Erika Burkhart's
translated by Marc Vincenz
About Marc Vincenz
Marc Vincenz was born in Hong Kong to Swiss-British parents during the height of the Cultural Revolution. He currently resides in Iceland where he works as a freelance journalist, poet, translator and literary critic. He is Poetry and Non-Fiction Editor for the international webzine Mad Hatters' Review, Managing Editor of MadHat Press, and is a member of the editorial board of Open Letters Monthly.
Recent poems and translations have appeared in or are forthcoming in Poetry Salzburg Review, The Potomac, Asymptote, Nth Position, Spillway Review, Pirene's Fountain, Metazen, MiPOesias and others. He is the author of Upholding Half the Sky (Casa Menendez, 2010) and The Propaganda Factory (Argotist, 2011)
Humor Finds Their Marriage
by Maureen Sherbondy
About Maureen Sherbondy
Maureen Sherbondy's books are After the Fairy Tale, Praying at Coffee Shops, The Slow Vanishing (Main Street Rag), and Weary Blues (Big Table Publishing). Scar Girl is forthcoming from Finishing Line Press. Maureen lives in Raleigh, NC, with her husband and three sons. She teaches workshops on publishing and creative writing at different venues. www.maureensherbondy.com
An Invocation at the Window
by Melanie Moro-Huber
About Melanie Moro-Huber
Melanie Moro-Huber is the Book Review Editor for NYQ reviews. Melanie Moro-Huber's work has appeared or will be in NYQ, Connotation Press, Savvy Wit & Verse, YB and Red River Review. She was a Tennessee Williams Scholar, Sewanee, 2010. She won the Golden Nib award for poetry, 2010, Roanoke Valley Writers. "The Memory of Paper," a chapbook sized collection was included in the anthology AHADADA READER 3. Her first book, Axe in Hand was published by NYQ Books in November 2011. Married 21 years and a mother of five, you can read more of her work at her blog: Mortal Corkscrew.
A Period of Regression
At the Edge of Things
On Days Like These
by Jonathan Greenhause
About Jonathan Greenhause
Jonathan Greenhause is a Pushcart Prize nominee, his poetry appearing or scheduled to appear in The Believer, Cream City Review, New Delta Review, The South Carolina Review, and Water∼Stone Review, among others. His 1st chapbook, "Sebastian's Relativity", is being released in autumn 2011 through Chicago's Anobium Books.
The Other Me
by Julie Ellinger Hunt
About Julie Ellinger Hunt
Julie Ellinger Hunt lives in Northern New Jersey with her two lunatic sons and part alien husband. Her two full collections of poetry, "In New Jersey" and "Ever Changing," make excellent trivets. www.jthunt.wordpress.com
The Story
Inside this Body
A Theory of Gravity
by Suzane Roberts
About Suzane Roberts
Suzanne Roberts is the author of three collections of poetry, most recently Three Hours to Burn a Body: Poems on Travel. Her memoir, Almost Somewhere: 28 Days on the John Muir Trail, is forthcoming from the University of Nebraska Press. She was named "The Next Great Travel Writer" by National Geographic's Traveler. She writes and teaches in Lake Tahoe, California. For more information, please visit her website at www.suzanneroberts.org
Mr. Vitruvian
by Carolyn Supinka
About Carolyn Supinka
Carolyn Supinka attends Carnegie Mellon where she studies literature and art. Her first solo exhibition of screen prints based on words opens this month in Pennsylvania.
Cover Artist
Montains of the Sky
Alaskan Standard
by Benjamin Walls
About Benjamin Walls
Self-taught, Walls travels in search of the perfect image. His landscape and wildlife work has won awards from the Smithsonian and is in the Natural History Museum of London.
Capitol At Dusk
Fog San Marco
Arc Du Carrousel
Light Post Grand Canal
Olive Tree and Temple
Positano Sunrise
by Craig Sterling
About Craig Sterling
The works of renowned American Photographer Ansel Adams and turn of the century French photographer Eugene Atget have had the greatest influence on Craig Sterling's artistic vision. Not unlike Adams and Atget, Sterling is drawn to subjects that reflect man's legacy to his environment. Portraying the familiar in unfamiliar ways is what makes his vision so recognizable... striving for a feeling of timelessness. Many individuals after seeing his imagery for the first time exclaim, "I've seen that before, but never quite like that!" SterlingÕs photographs are included in numerous public, private and corporate collections in the United States and abroad. In addition, his photographs are held in the permanent collections of the Corcoran Gallery of Art, National Gallery of Art Archives Collection, The Smithsonian Institution National Museum of American History, The University of Maine Museum of Art and The Oakland Museum in Oakland, California.
Review of Barry Ptolemy's Transcendent Man
by Kayti Doolitle
About Kayti Doolitle
Kayti Doolitle graduated from Missouri State University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting and a minor in Creative Writing. She is the Art and Film Reviewer for Fjords Review. Kayti is writing an anthology of essays about the sex industry in countries around the world, while living in South Korea.
Review of Gor Baghdasaryan's Moving a Mountain
by Kayti Doolitle
About Kayti Doolitle
Kayti Doolitle graduated from Missouri State University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting and a minor in Creative Writing. She is the Art and Film Reviewer for Fjords Review. Kayti is writing an anthology of essays about the sex industry in countries around the world, while living in South Korea.
Review of Julie Ellinger Hunt's In New Jersey
by Stan Galloway
About Stan Galloway
Stan Galloway teaches writing and literature at Bridgewater College in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. He has had more than 50 poems appear online and in print, including such places as vox poetica, Red Booth Review, Loch Raven Review, Eunoia Review, Contemporary World Literature, Connotation Press, Broad River Review and Boston Literary Magazine. His reviews have appeared in Christianity and Literature, Paterson Literary Review and Veritas. He has also written a book of literary criticism, The Teenage Tarzan.
Uwem Akpan Interviewed
by John Gosslee
About Uwem Akpan
Uwem Akpan is from Nigeria. Say You're One of Them is his first book. He is currently the Norman Freehling Visiting Professor at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Short Story
Schetches From a Beijing Romance
by Peter Tieryas Liu
About Peter Tieryas Liu
Peter Tieryas Liu likes to wander the world with his wife, especially between Los Angeles, Bangkok, San Francisco and Beijing. Some of his work is published or forthcoming in places like the Bitter Oleander, Camera Obscura Journal of Literature and Photography, the Indiana Review and Pank's "This Modern Writer." He is also a visual effects artist for Sony Pictures, working on movies like Alice in Wonderland and the upcoming Men In Black 3. You can follow his writings at tieryas.wordpress.com. He dedicates the story to his wife, Angela Binxin Xu.
Little Birds
by Juned Subhan
About Juned Subhan
Juned Subhan's work [poetry & fiction] has been published in various periodicals across the UK, including The Critical Quarterly [3 times], The Reader, The Interpreter's House, Orbis and The New Writer. Furthermore, he has been published by Ontario Review [USA/ edited by Joyce Carol Oates/ Issue No 66, 2007 Spring Issue/ short story], Bryant Literary Review [USA / May 2007 issue/ short story], North American Review [USA/ March/April 2004 issue/ poetry], Cimarron Review [USA/ Winter 2005 issue/ poetry], Indiana Review [USA/ Winter 2005 issue/ poetry], Asia Literary Review [Hong Kong/ short story/ Summer 2006 issue], Wasafiri [London/ edited by Michael Ondaatje & Nadine Gordimer/ short story], Westerly [Australia/ Volume 51, 2006 / poetry], Descant [Issue 137/ Poetry/ Canada], Marginalia [USA/ Fall 2007, Volume 3, Issue 2/ short story], Louisiana Literature [USA/ Winter 2007, Volume 24, Issue No.2/ poetry], Relief: A Quarterly Christian Expression [USA / 2008, Volume 2, Issue 3/ short story], Southerly [Australia / Volume 68, No.1, 2008/ Poetry], The Portland Review [USA/ Volume 55, Issue No.2, Fall-Winter 2008 / short story], Camas: The Nature of the West [USA/ Winter 2009, Volume 18, Number 1/ poetry] and Moon City Review [USA/August, Annual 2010 issue/ short story]. Furthermore, Subhand has work forthcoming in Quiddity, Tygerburning Literary Journal, Toad Suck Review and The Susquehanna Review.
Knock, knock. Who's there? Banana. Banana who?
by Verity Barudin
About Verity Barudin
Varity Barudin graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University with a degree in English. She lives in Virginia with her pet dog near the Blue Ridge Mountains.