An interview with Billy Collins about his new book, the unconventional sketch art of W. Craghead III, and the black and white paintings of Victor Ekpuk appear alongside short stories by Barbara Haas and critic Erik Martiny. Russian poet Mikhail Yeryomin is translated by J. Kates. Introducing poet Dani DiCenzo alongside new poetry from Phillip Fried, Drusilla NicGowan, Donelle Dreese, Clay Cantrell, Bruce Robinson, Scott Laudati, Jessica Jewell, Kristina Blaine, Noel sloboda, Clifford Brooks, and two prose pieces by Ori Fienberg; a fantastic creative non-fiction piece by Kimberly Hawlena and an essay on Apollinaire's one line poem by Frederick Smock are in the issue, too. The books Bad Daughter by Sarah Gorham, Woman Without Umbrella by Victoria Redel, Hummingbrid by John Wall Barger and a recent exhibition of Felix Gonzalex-Torres work in Seoul, South Korea are reviewed.
Et I'unique cordeau des trompettes marine". On Apolliaire's Famous One-Line Poem
by Frederick Smock
About Frederick Smock
Frederick Smock is associate professor of English at Bellarmine University, in Louisville. His new book of poems is The Bounteous World (Broadstone).
The Death of Typos
The Origins of Masonry
by Ori Fienberg
About Ori Fienberg
By day I work as the Tutor Coordinator for Northeastern University's College of Professional Studies. My writing has been published in many journals including The Cincinnati Review, Diagram, the Mid-American Review, and Subtropics. At night, I count Iowans to fall asleep at.
Creative Non-fiction
Hunger & Satisfaction
by Kimberly Hawlena
About Kimberly Hawlena
Kimberly Hawlena graduated in 2008 with an MFA from the Bennington Writing Seminars, where she was the recipient of the Lucy Grealy Scholarship for nonfiction. Her writing has appeared in ROAR magazine and the Improper Bostonian, among others. She works in publishing as an editorial supervisor, and lives in a very old house in coastal Massachusetts.
Poetry in Translation
21st Century Russian Poet Fyodorovich Yeryomin
translated by J.Kates
About Sarah J.Kates
J. Kates is a poet and literary translator who lives in Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire.
Advice from a Shrew
by Noel Sloboda
About Noel Sloboda
Noel Sloboda is the author of the poetry collection Shell Games as well as several chapbooks. He has also published a book about Edith Wharton and Gertrude Stein. Sloboda teaches at Penn State York and serves as dramaturg for the Harrisburg Shakespeare Company.
Two Old Men
A Wedding
by Clifford Brooks
First Time
by Kristina Blaine
For the Ravens
by Drusilla NicGowan
About Drusilla NicGowan
Drusilla NicGowan just received her MFA in poetry at North Carolina State University. She has had several poems published recently and won Honorable Mention in NCSU's Academy of American Poets Award. She is now back at her home in Tennessee, reunited with her husband, two cats, and three Great Danes.
Laughing Buddha
by Donelle Dreese
About Donelle Dreese
Donelle Dreese is the author of two poetry collections: A Wild Turn (Finishing Line Press), and Looking for a Sunday Afternoon (Pudding House Publications). Her poetry and fiction have appeared in publications such as Quiddity International, Hospital Drive, Appalachian Heritage, Runes, Gulf Stream Magazine, Journal of Microliterature, Gadfly Online, and ISLE . She is an Associate Professor of English at Northern Kentucky University.
Submission:Guidelines or How to submit to :aNalepsis
by Bruce Robinson
About Bruce Robinson
He owes the library 60 cents. The library trusts that he's good for it, and he's grateful for that. Recent work has appeared in Prism Review and the Brooklyner, and any day now, Cream City Review.
by Scott Laudati
About Scott Laudati
Scott Laudati lives in New Jersey with his boxer Satine. Visit https://www.ScottLaudati.com
The Interview
by Jessica Jewell
About Jessica Jewell
Jessica Jewell is the program coordinator for the Wick Poetry Center at Kent State University. Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Nimrod, Cider Press Review, the American Poetry Journal, Harpur Palate, Copper Nickel, Rhino, Barn Owl Review and Poetry Midwest, among others. Her chapbook, Slap Leather, was published by dancing girl press in 2011.
by Phillip Fried
About Phillip Fried
A Poetry Editor for the Pinch literary journal, Clay is pursuing an MFA in Poetry at the University of Memphis. Some of his work is published in Chrysalis and others are forthcoming in other journals. He is also an experimental folk musician, and has recently released an album through the New York label House of Alchemy. Another release will happen in the spring. You can check out Clay's tunes at his bandcamp page: https://claycantrell.bandcamp.com/
All Fingers Are Not Equal
Market Day
You Be Me I Be You
by Victor Ekpuk
A Visual Story
by W. Craghead III
About W. Craghead III
W. Craghead III lives in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA with his wife and two daughters.
He likes to make pictures, has exhibited his work internationally and has published many works including the Xeric Grant winning Speedy and several collaborations with poets and writers. His book HOW TO BE EVERYWHERE was named one of the best comics of 2007 by The Comics Journal. Craghead received an MFA in 1996 from the University of Texas at Austin and a BFA from Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia in 1993, and attended the Skowhegan School in 1993.
Interview with Poet Billy Collins
by Mary "Casey" Martin
Short Story
The Wilderness
We Can't Contain
by Barbara Haas
About Barbara Haas
Essays and stories of mine have appeared in The Hudson Review, American Literary Review, The North American Review, Virginia Quarterly Review, The Antioch Review, Glimmer Train & most recently The Wapsipinicon Almanac (a nonfiction essay.) I have received an NEA Fellowship, my M.F.A. is from UC-Irvine—and I teach in the Creative Writing & Environment M.F.A. program © Iowa State University.
by Erik Matiny
About Erik Martiny
Erik Martiny's reviews have appeared in London Magazine and The Times Literary Supplement. He lives in France.
About the Poetry
About "Canticles"
by Phillip Fried
About Phillip Fried
A Poetry Editor for the Pinch literary journal, Clay is pursuing an MFA in Poetry at the University of Memphis. Some of his work is published in Chrysalis and others are forthcoming in other journals. He is also an experimental folk musician, and has recently released an album through the New York label House of Alchemy. Another release will happen in the spring. You can check out Clay's tunes at his bandcamp page: https://claycantrell.bandcamp.com/
Books in Review
Woman Without Umbrella & Bad Daughter
by Jacqueline Kolosov