Stunning artwork from Armenian born artist Tigran Tsitoghdzyan is on the cover. His work mixes portraiture and surrealism in a profound way. The Editor’s Choice for the issue is a selection from Cynthia Schwartzberg Edlow’s Super Dan Comics Question Box Series. These sparkling, unexpected, and experimental pieces push the boundaries of what a poem can be. Two penetrating erasure poems by Karin Barbee are taken from Sarah Palin’s autobiography, an interview with British poet Phillip Gross, an About the Poem with Noel Sloboda, an upbeat essay on our lives by Len Messineo and translations of French poet Tony Duvert by S.C. Delaney & Agnès Potier are part of the issues highlights. Also, fabulous poetry from model Chris Campanioni, Alexis Roane Fancher, and Patricia Caspers stand alongside John F. Buckley, Jory Mickelson and Robert Peake. Two sonnets from John Reed begin the issue. Light artist Paul Kolker uses leds and mirrors to create some gorgeous paradoxes.
Closed Mirror
Armenian Mirror
White Mirror (COVER)
Black Mirror
Mirror II
Mirror III
by Tigran Tsitoghdzyan
ping pong forever
diamonds forever
horizons forever
standard iterati
quadrants forever
by Paul Kolker
The Common Nosebleed and the Fast Life
by Len Messineo
The grey distance of America: pp1-3
First, I began to keep my heart: pp4-6
erasures from Sarah Palin’s autobiography
by Karin Barbee
A Friendly Ear
by Erik Matiny
About Erik Martiny
Erik Martiny's reviews have appeared in London Magazine and The Times Literary Supplement. He lives in France.
Interview with Poet Phillip Gross
translated by Stephen Komarnyckyj
About Stephen Komarnyckyj
Stephen Komarnyckyj is a British-Ukrainian writer and linguist whose literary translations and poems have appeared in Poetry Salzburg Review, the influential poetry magazine based at the University of Salzburg, Vsesvit Magazine (Ukraine's most influential literary journal), The North, The Echo Room and Modern Poetry in Translation. He has been interviewed on Ukrainian television and by the Den (Day) newspaper, one of Ukraine's most important daily papers based in the capital, Kyiv, and campaigns to raise awareness of the genocide perpetrated by Stalin against the Ukrainian people and to improve the human rights situation in Ukraine. He is currently based in Huddersfield, a town that has been referred to as "the Poetry Capital" of the United Kingdom.
The Doctor
The Look-out
The Wiper
translated by S.C. Delaney & Agnès Potier
Super Dan Comics Question Box Series #1
Super Dan Comics Question Box Series #13
Super Dan Comics Question Box Series #17
by Cynthia Schwartzberg Edlow
The Gorgon's Tale
by Patricia Caspers
Color Study
by Robert Peake
by John Reed
My Father Drawing My Portrait
by Jory Mickelson
August 1980
by John F. Buckley
The Patron Saint of Truants
by Noel Sloboda
Like Sisyphus at the Chateau Marmont
by Alexis Rhone Fancher
by Stephen Komarnyckyj
About Stephen Komarnyckyj
Stephen Komarnyckyj is a British-Ukrainian writer and linguist whose literary translations and poems have appeared in Poetry Salzburg Review, the influential poetry magazine based at the University of Salzburg, Vsesvit Magazine (Ukraine's most influential literary journal), The North, The Echo Room and Modern Poetry in Translation. He has been interviewed on Ukrainian television and by the Den (Day) newspaper, one of Ukraine's most important daily papers based in the capital, Kyiv, and campaigns to raise awareness of the genocide perpetrated by Stalin against the Ukrainian people and to improve the human rights situation in Ukraine. He is currently based in Huddersfield, a town that has been referred to as "the Poetry Capital" of the United Kingdom.
by Chris Campanioni